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Holistic Business & Life Mastery

Podcast & Blog

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Welcome to the Holistic Business & Life Mastery Podcast

Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform to get a new episode each week from your's truly - Holistic Business & Marketing Coach Supriya Roy

How to Build Confidence and Crush your Goals

How to Build Confidence and Crush your Goals

Building confidence is a crucial part of achieving your goals. Here are three tips on how to build confidence and crush your goals: ...more

Personal Development ,entrepreneurship womens empowerment &self mastery

May 06, 20231 min read

How She Changed Her Self-Image

How She Changed Her Self-Image

This week I share a client's story about how she changed her life by changing her Self-Image - episode 48 is out now! ...more

Personal Development ,lifestyle womens empowerment leadership &self mastery

April 10, 20231 min read

How to choose a self-improvement course

How to choose a self-improvement course

Here are the 4 filters we apply to our successful candidates to help them choose the best course for them. ...more

Personal Development ,wealth creation &self mastery

April 10, 20232 min read

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©2023 – Supriya Roy | All Right Reserved

©2023 – Supriya Roy | All Right Reserved