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“You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will.” —Stephen King

Four Secrets to Change Your Life

April 10, 20232 min read

“You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will.” —Stephen King

Did you know that 95% of our behavior is rooted in the unconscious mind? 

What this means is that if we don't upgrade this part of our mind then the likelihood of our life's success will be a result of those unconscious thoughts.

A story that comes to mind is about Tim who moved to a new neighborhood to find this howling dog. When he asked around what the matter was, the neighbours said the dog was sitting on a nail. And when Tim asked his neighbor why the dog doesn't just move off it, his neighbor responded saying "the pain is not great enough I guess". 

There are many of us like this that settle with a painful life instead of learning how to change it to one they like. 

So this is what we're talking about in this week's podcast episode.

Secrets To Change Your Life

1. Identity

Your identity is comprised of your values, beliefs and standards. You may set lofty goals however if your identity is not of someone that can achieve those goals you will have a hard time achieving them. Our core identity is shaped between 0-7 years of age and all developmental gaps show up in our adult years, which needs healing and repairing.

2. Habits

The secret of all success lies in our habits. Your current habits may not be a true reflection of your identity. Eg: If you want to identify as a healthy person, you will choose daily habits that help you achieve your health goals.

Habits show us the person's identity.

3. Rituals

A ritual is what can help you achieve goals on repeat. There are rituals for every aspect of life such as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial. A ritual can be drinking tea mindfully, seeing your dentist every quarter and doing your book keeping daily. Rituals help build and maintain momentum toward materialising results.

4. Results

Results are either happening by default or by design and what I mean by this is that we have more control over our results than we take credit for. For all the results that we made happen, there was conscious thought behind them. So what if we did this in every area of life knowing that if we can do it in one area we can do it in all.

Here is the complete video to help you understand each concept in greater details

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Supriya Roy

Empowerment & Holistic Leadership Coach, Ayurveda & Yoga educator and Business Mentor. Helping women heal, gain clarity and learn new rituals to break cycles of oppression and poverty to be an inspirational leader in their business and life.

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