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Stop Leaving Money On the Table!

Overcome Imposter Syndrome

April 30, 20231 min read

"We can't all be imposters, can we?" - Dr Jessemy Hibberd

Imposter syndrome is a common feeling that many female leaders face. It's the sense of not feeling worthy of the position you hold, despite your accomplishments and qualifications. Here are three powerful tips for overcoming imposter syndrome as a female leader:

Recognize your achievements:

  1. Take some time to reflect on your accomplishments and the milestones you've achieved in your career. Write them down and read them over regularly. This exercise will help you recognize your strengths and feel more confident in your abilities.

Seek support:

  1. Surround yourself with a supportive network of people who believe in you and your abilities. This can be friends, family, colleagues, or a mentor. Discussing your feelings with someone you trust can help you gain perspective and boost your confidence.

Challenge negative self-talk:

  1. When negative thoughts or self-doubt arise, challenge them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your accomplishments and capabilities. It can also be helpful to remind yourself that it's natural to feel unsure or anxious, but it doesn't define your worth or abilities as a leader.

Remember, imposter syndrome is a common feeling, and you're not alone. By recognizing your achievements, seeking support, and challenging negative self-talk, you can overcome imposter syndrome and continue to thrive as a female leader.

Here is the podcast episode in video

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Supriya Roy

Empowerment & Holistic Leadership Coach, Ayurveda & Yoga educator and Business Mentor. Helping women heal, gain clarity and learn new rituals to break cycles of oppression and poverty to be an inspirational leader in their business and life.

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