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“Money isn't everything…but it ranks right up there with oxygen.” Rita Davenport

10 Secrets To Being A Wealthy Female Entrepreneur

April 17, 20233 min read

“Money isn't everything…but it ranks right up there with oxygen.” Rita Davenport

It's always funny to hear a woman with a business say "Money is not a priority" or "I'm not doing this for the money" or "I'll work for money and do x for passion" or that "I don't expect anyone to pay money for x".

Having had a business for 15 + years now I remember when I too used to say those things in my head thinking I was special and saw the world differently. I somehow thought I had to choose either money or spirituality. A part of me found money to be icky, a lower dimensional thing and that my spirituality would be questionable if I were to think of wanting more than my needs. And I accepted that I obviously had to suffer from past life Karma so as long as I kept focused on doing my work my angels, spirit guides and the universe would take care of me. 

Now anyone reading this would know better, have a giggle and know how misaligned my thoughts were to being able to grow, be a high performer, support others to grow, invest, be generous and give from abundance. There are costs to not having an abundance mindset and until we learn how to make decisions aligned to creating wealth no one will hand it to us by just our sheer positive thinking. 

Self-made millionaires say that not caring about money could only have two meanings: You either have none to manage or you have made enough of it that it cares for you. 

If we can all admit, living in this century to live a life of greater ease and to make better contributions, is to have plenty of money. Because money provides more choice and like Rita Davenport says it's up there with oxygen

Unfortunately women have been denied a lot of things besides money for eons and naturally it became an innate trait to then deny ourselves and it's a dysfunctional trait for successful entrepreneurship, period. Look, I'd like to believe that we are awakening and healing our beliefs about abundance, and will continue reforming for the sake of our personal mission, the legacy we will create and also the one we will leave behind for the generations to come after us.

So it only makes sense to talk about it more as we would talk about our health. Actually imagine saying the same things we say about money, for our health like: "My health is not a priority" "I'm not doing it for my health" "I don't expect anyone to care for my health "then imagine the life we're really aiming to live. Hey don't shoot the messenger because if this struck a cord with you, I'm sending you a hug to say I get you, I've been there and you must quit denying yourself wealth and health if you want to be a successful female entrepreneur.

One more thing - being wealthy does not only mean having a lot of money. And this is what I share on in this week's episode. 

Check it out and leave a review on what you think.

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Secrets To Creating Wealth as a Female Entrepreneur

With that said, here are the 10 secrets of Wealthy Women in business that make and keep them wealthy

1. They fail faster

2. They invest in themselves

3. They aim to make, keep and multiply money

4. They choose their words carefully

5. They're optimists about their goals and pesimistic about their way

6. They take time out to plan before taking action

7. They keep a tight circle of friends who keep them aligned

8. They have a mission, values and standards

9. They know the value of their time in dollars

10. They create systems to create time

You're welcome to attend my Productivity Workshop to make more time on the 20th April 2023 at 8pm AEST inside our Facebook Group

Watch the full episode where I go into each secret one by one

Womens EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurshipTime ManagementWealth CreationAbundance Mindset
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Supriya Roy

Empowerment & Holistic Leadership Coach, Ayurveda & Yoga educator and Business Mentor. Helping women heal, gain clarity and learn new rituals to break cycles of oppression and poverty to be an inspirational leader in their business and life.

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