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“I have stood on a mountain of no’s for one yes.” —Barbara Elaine Smith

3 challenges and opportunities of being a solo female founder

June 17, 20231 min read

Smooth Seas Don't Make Good Sailors

As a solo female founder, there are unique challenges and opportunities that come with the territory. Here are five of each:


  1. Gender bias: Unfortunately, gender bias is still prevalent in the startup industry, and female founders may face additional challenges in securing funding and gaining credibility.

  2. Isolation: Being a solo founder can be isolating, and as a woman, it can be challenging to find a supportive network of peers and mentors.

  3. Work-life balance: Running a startup as a solo founder can be all-consuming, making it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.


  1. Autonomy: As a solo founder, you have complete autonomy over the direction and vision of your startup, allowing you to make decisions quickly and easily.

  2. Flexibility: Running a startup as a solo founder provides the flexibility to work on your own schedule and pursue your own interests.

  3. Role model: As a successful solo female founder, you can serve as a role model for other women and inspire them to pursue entrepreneurship and leadership roles.

Being a solo female founder presents both challenges and opportunities. By acknowledging and addressing the challenges, and embracing the unique opportunities, women can succeed and thrive as solo founders in the startup world.

Here is the full episode in video on our YouTube channel

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Supriya Roy

Empowerment & Holistic Leadership Coach, Ayurveda & Yoga educator and Business Mentor. Helping women heal, gain clarity and learn new rituals to break cycles of oppression and poverty to be an inspirational leader in their business and life.

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